Here you can download some articles which were published over the past years. They have been arranged by type of publication and can be viewed by Acrobat Reader.
van Weele, A.J. (2018), ‘Purchasing is a profession…or not?, Valedictory Lecture, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, 30st November 2018
Sumo, ,R.A.F., Valk, W. van der, and Van Weele, A.J. (2014), Fostering Incremental and Radical Innovation through Perrformance Based Contracting in Inter-Organizational Relationships, Working Paper, Eindhoven University of Technology, Winter, pp. 50
Van Weele, A.J., Vrlden blir plattare, Inkp & Logistik, 1/2007, pp 6-7 (Swedish)
Van Weele, A.J., Creacion de valor y estrategia de compras, Gestion de Compras, Ano X, No. 45, Enero-Febrero, 2006, pp. 12-20 (Spanish)
Van Weele, A.J. and Rozemeijer, F.A. (2005), Changing course in corporate procurement, CPO Agenda, Summer, London, pp. 46-51
Van Weele, A.J. (2003), Supply Resource Management: Mobilising External Capabilities, Executive Outlook, Volume 3, Number 4, December, pp. 82-92
Rozemeijer, F.A. and Van Weele, A.J. (2002), Mirror, mirror on the wall, let suppliers guide you towards improvement, DILF Orientering, June, pp. 12-18 (Danish)
Rozemeijer, F.A. and Van Weele, A.J., (2002), Creating Corporate Advantage Through Purchasing, DILF Orientering, August, pp. 12-19 (Danish)
Van Weele, A.J. (2002), Snur opp-ned pa ilvante mater a konkurrere pa, Logistikk & Innkop, 2/2002, pp. 6-7 (Danish)
Van Weele, A.J., Wijnstra, J.Y.F. and Weggeman, M. (2001), Managing supplier involvement in product development; three critical issues, DILF, pp. 6-15
Krift, H.J.C., Gevers, J.M.P. and Van Weele, A.J., ‘Interorganizational project dynamics: a longitudinal study of perceptual distance and client-contractor relationships’.
Schepers, J., De Vries, J. Langerak, F and Van Weele, A.J. , Exploring the Motivational and Behavioral Foundations of External Technology Experts’ Knowledge Sharing in Collaborative R&D Projects, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. , 2019, pp. 23
Sumo, R., Van Weele, A.J. Van der Valk, W. and Duijsters, G, (2016), How Incomplete Contracts Foster Innovation in Inter-Organizational Relationships, European Management Journal
Sumo, R., Van Weele, A. J. , Van der Valk, W. and Duijsters, G. (2016), Using performance-based contracts to foster innovation in outsourced service delivery, Industrial Marketing Management,
Fostering incremental and radical innovation through performance based contracting in buyer-seller relationships (2016),International Journal of Operations and Production Management
Sjoerdsma, M. and Van Weele, A.J., (2015), Managing supplier relationships in a new product development context, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Volume 21, p. 192-203
Romero, H.L., Dijkman, R.M. , Grefen, P.W.P.J., Van Weele, A.J., (2015), ‘Factors that Determine the Extent of Business Process Standardization and the Subsequent Effect on Business Performance, Business & Information Systems Engineering, August 2015, Volume 57, Issue 4, pp 261-270
Van Weele, A.J. and van Raaij, E.M. (2014), The Future of Purchasing and Supply Management Research: About Relevance and Rigor, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Volume 50, Number 1, pp. 56-72
Driedonks, B.A., Gevers., J.P.M. and Van Weele, A.J. (2014), Success Factors for Sourcing Teams: How to Foster Sourcing Team Effectiveness, European Management Journal, Volume 32, pp. 288-304
Vries, J.J.A.P. de, Schepers, J.J.L., Weele, A.J. van & Valk, W. van der (2014). When do they care to share? : how manufacturers make contracted service partners share knowledge. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 43, pp. 1225-1235
Kibbeling, M.I., Bij, H. van der, Van Weele, A.J., (2013), Market Orientation and Innovativeness in Supply Chains:
Suppliers Impact on Customer Satisfaction, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Volume 30, Issue 3, pp. 500-515
Driedonks, B., Gevers, J. and Van Weele, A.J. (2010), Managing sourcing team effectiveness: the need for a team perspective in purchasing, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Volume 16, Issue 2, June 2010, Pages 109-117, Special Issue of Best Papers of the 18th Annual IPSERA Conference 2009
Kibbeling, MI., Gelderman, C.J., Ulijn, J.M. Van Weele, A.J. and Calvi, R (2009), A Dutch-French Comparison of dependence and commitment in buyer-supplier relationships: a purchasing portfolio approach, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, Vol. 3., No. 4., pp. 353-370
Claassen, M.J.T., van Weele, A.J. and Van Raaij, E.M (2008), Performance outcomes and usccess factors of Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), Supply Chain Management: An international Journal, Vol. 13, Number 6, pp. 406-414.
Echtelt, F.E.A., Wynstra, J.Y.F., Van Weele, A.J. and Duysters, G. (2008), Managing Supplier Involvement in New Product Development: a Multiple-Case Study, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Issue 25, pp. 180-201
Van Echtelt, F.E.A., Wynstra, J.Y.F., Van Weele, A.J. (2007), Strategic and Operational Management of Supplier Involvement in New Product Development: A Contingency Perspective, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, November, Vol. 54, Number 4, pp. 644-661
Lakemond, N., Berggren, Chr. And Van Weele, A.J. (2005), Coordinating supplier involvement in new product development projects: a differentiated typology, R&D Management, 36, 1, pp. 55-6
Gelderman, C.J. and Van Weele, A.J. (2005), Purchasing portfolio models: a critique and update, The Journal of Supply Chain Management, Summer, pp. 19-28
Rozemeijer, F.A. Van Weele, A.J. and Weggeman, M.(2003), Creating Corporate Advantage through Purchasing: Toward a Contingency Model, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Winter, 2003, pp. 4-13
Gelderman, K. and Van Weele, A.J. (2003), Handling measurement issues and strategic directions in Kraljics purchasing portfolio model, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 9, pp. 209-216
Gelderman, C.J. and Van Weele, A.J. (2002), Strategic Direction Through Purchasing Portfolio Management: A Case Study, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Spring, Volume 38, Number 2, pp. 30-37
Wynstra, F.W., Axelsson, B. and Van Weele, A.J. (2000), Driving and enabling factors for purchasing involvement in product development, European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 6 (2000), pp. 129-141
Wynstra, J Y F, Weele, A J van, & Axelsson, B (1999): Purchasing involvement in product development. A framework, European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 5, 3-4, pp. 129-141
Van Weele, A.J. and Rozemeijer, F. (1996), Revolution in Purchasing: Building Competitive Power Through Pro-Active Purchasing, European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, Vol.2, No.4, pp. 153-163
van Weele, A.J. (2018), ‘Inkoop is een vak…of toch niet?’, afscheidsrede, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 30 november
Driedonks, B., Weele, A.J. van en Gevers, J. (2012), Cross-functionele teams: interventies vergroten kans op succes, Handboek Effectief Opleiden, juli, pp.12.2-
Driedonks, B. Weele, A.J. van en gevers, J., Cross-functionele teams: interventies vergroten kans op succes, Holland Management Review, Nummer 140, pp. 1-10
Kibbeling, M.I. en Van Weele, A.J. (2010), Waarde creeren in de keten: effecten van marktgerichtheid, duurzaamheid en innovatie, Holland Management Review, Nummer 134, pp. 2-12
Van Weele, A.J. (2008), Aanbestedingschaos dreigt, Het Financieele Dagblad, 15 januari, p.14
Van Weele, A.J. and Van der Horst, H.J. (2008), Nieuwe aanbestedingswet moet van tafel, Openbaar Bestuur, April, pp. 24-26
Van Weele, A.J. (2008), De waarde van relaties, Deal, September, p. 47
Van Weele, A.J., Geef inhoud aan waardecreatie, Deal!, 01/02, Februari 2007, pp 41
Van Weele, A.J. en Veltman, K. (2007), Leveranciers houden niet van e-auctions, Deal!, 01/01, Januari, pp. 28-31
Van Weele, A.J., Belang leveranciers en inkopers grijpt steeds meer in elkaar, Pakblad, Jaargang 28, Januari, nummer 01, 2006
Haffmans, L. en Van Weele, A.J., (2005), Strategieen voor toeleveranciers: resultaatverbetering door focus, Holland Management Review, Nummer 102, pp. 32-44
Vos, B. en Van Weele, A.J. (2005), Global sourcing: de rol van Made in China in de Nederlandse import, Holland Management Review, nummer 104, pp. 47-
Weele, A.J. van, Hoogen, H. van den, Liefkens, T., Beek, Ph. Van (2004), Bundelen van inkoopkracht in multinationals: de realiteit achter concerninkoopstructuren, Holland management Review, Nummer 95, Mei-Juni, pp. 75-83
Haffmans, L. en Van Weele, A.J. (2004), Op weg naar ketengericht innoveren: de rol van de toeleverancier, Holland Management Review, Volume 21, Nummer 96, Juli-Augustus, pp. 34-47
Van Weele, A.J. (2004), China schakelt naar de volgende versnelling, Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, November, nr 11, pp. 12-17
Van Weele, A.J. (2002), Concurreren in het e-Tijdperk: van Inkoop naar Business Resource Management, in Logistieke Kennisbanken, 3e kwartaal, pp. 75-92
Van Weele, A.J. en Veth, T., (2001), Concurrentiekracht door e-Procurement: nu of nooit?, Holland Management Review, Maart-April, Nummer 25, pp. 64-71
Van Weele, A.J., (2001), Concurreren in het e-Tijdperk: Van Inkoop naar Business Resource Management, Bedrijfskunde, Jaargang, 73, nummer 1, pp. 27-36
Van Weele, A.J. , Dingena, M, Bus, G. en Hoogeveen (1998), A, Promotie-artikelen: verkoopbevordering of tijdbom onder het merkbeleid?, Nijenrode Management Review, nr 8, pp. 89-97
Van Weele, A.J. (1997), Komt u wel toe aan resultaatfactor no. 1?, Ontwikkelingen en Ideen, Holland Consulting Group, nummer 37, april, (interne publikatie)
Van Weele, A.J. en Rozemeijer (1997), F.A., Revolutie in Inkoop, Tijdschrift voor Inkoop en Logistiek, juni
Van Weele, A.J. en Rozemeijer, F. (1996), Revolutie in Inkoop, Holland Management Review, september
Van Weele, A.J. (1996), De Nieuwe Zakelijkheid in Inkoop?, Tijdschrift voor Marketing, september
Van Weele, A.J. (1995), ‘Navolging Partnership Vindt te Gehaast Plaats, Inkoopvisie, december 1995, pp. 4-8
Okulov, A. and Van Weele, A.J. (2016), Relationship Governance Impact on Outcomes in Buyer-Seller Relationships, Proceedings 25th IPSERA Conference, Dortmund, 20-23rd March 2016, Working Paper nr. 13 , pp.21
Bothof, D. and Van Weele, A.J. (2016), Supplier Involvement by SMEs, Proceedings 25th IPSERA Conference, Dortmund, 20-23rd March 2016, Working Paper nr.44 , pp.8
Van Poucke, E. Matthijssens, P. and Van Weele, A.J. (2015), Value Creation and Supply Risk Reduction in Sourcing Projects: Effects of Purchasing Involvement and Pro-Active Market Orientation, Working Paper No. 19, IPSERA Conference Proceedings, March 29th-April 1st, Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
Van Vught, R. and Van Weele, A.J. (2015), Managing Supply Chain Relationships in Construction Industry: Compete or Collaborate, Working Paper No. 22, IPSERA Conference Proceedings, March 29th-April 1st, Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
Sjoerdsma, M. and Van Weele, A.J. (2014), Managing Supplier Relationships in a New Product Development Context, IPSERA Conference, working paper, University of South Africa, Pretoria, April 14-16th, 19 pp.
Van Poucke, E. , Matthijssens, P. and van Weele, A.J. (2014), The interrelationship between Purchasing Maturity, Internal Customer Satisfaction and Purchasing Performance: an Empirical Study, IPSERA Conference, working paper, Universityof South Africa, Pretoria, 16-18th April, 13 pp.
Sumo, R., Van der Valk, W. , Van Weele, A.J. and Bode, Chr. (2014), Fostering Incremental and Radical Innovation through Performance Based Contracting in Inter-Organizational Relationships, IPSERA Conference, working paper, University of South Africa, Pretoria, 16-18th April, 19 pp
Sumo, R. , Van der Valk, W. and van Weele, A.J. (2013), Use and Effects of Incomplete Contracts in Fostering innovation: Two Cases of Performance Based Contracts, IPSERA Conference, Nantes, April, 17 pp.
Sumo, R.A., Valk, W. and Weele, A.J. van (2012), Performance-based contracting as an enabler of innovation, Conference paper, IPSERA, Naples, April.
Veenvliet, H., Weele, A.J. van, and valk, W. van der (2012), Sustainable Hazardous Substances Management in the Supply Chain, IPSERA Proceedings, Conference paper, Naples, April
Kibbeling, M.I., Valk, W. van der, Weele, A.J. van (2011), Implementing Socially Responsible Purchasing: An Evolution Model, Academy of Management, Conference paper, August 2011
Kibbeling, M.I., Van der Valk, W. and Van Weele, A.J. (2011), Implementing Socially Responsible Purchasing: An Evolution Model, Conference Paper, Academy of Management, August, 37 pp.
Prize winning paper IPSERA Conference: Best academic paper for business practitioners. Kibbeling, M.I, Van der Bij, H., Van Weele, A.J. en Di Benedetto, A.C, CSR orientation as a guiding principle for innovativeness: a supply chain perspective, 19th IPSERA Conference, Lappeenranta, Finland, 17-19th May, 2010, Conference Proceedings, pp.250-269.
Driedonks, B.A., Gevers, J.M.P., Jellinek, M, Van Weele, A.J., Towards an holistic view on team performance: when other determine team success, 19th IPSERA Conference, Lappeenranta, Finland, 17-19th May, 2010, Conference Proceedings, pp. 628-648.
Claassen, M.J.T., Van Weele, A.J., Raaij, E.M. van, (2007), An empirical study into performance outcomes and success factors of vendor managed inventory from a buyers perspective, Proceedings 16th Annual IPSERA Conference, Hilton Bath City, Bath, United Kingdom, 1-4th april, 16th Volume, pp. 223-238.
Van Weele, A.J. and Rozemeijer, F.R (2007), Facing the Corporate Sourcing Challenge, 92nd Annual International Supply Management Conference, Institute for Supply Management, May 6-9th 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada
Kibbeling, M.I., Van Weele, A.J., Calvi, R., Van Raaij, E.M. & Ulijn, J.M., 2006. ‘What Does a Purchasing Portfolio Mean in a Different Culture? A Dutch-French Comparison of Differentiated Purchasing Portfolio Strategies’, in: Croom, S. (ed.), Creating and Managing Value in Supply Networks, Proceedings of the 15th IPSERA Conference, San Diego, California, April 6-8.
Lardenoije, E.J.H., Van Raaij, E.M. and Van Weele, A.J. (2005), Peformance management models and purchasing: relevance still lost, in Calvi, R. and Merminod,N., Researches in purchasing and supply management, Proceedings of the 14th IPSERA Conference, Archamps, France, pp. 687-697
Rozemeijer, F.A. and Van Weele, A.J. (2005), Making the most of corporate purchasing: understanding organizational behaviour, in Calvi, R. and Merminod,N., Researches in purchasing and supply management, Proceedings of the 14th IPSERA Conference, Archamps, France, pp. 893-903
Sumo, R. , Kalkman, J. and Van Weele, A.J. (2018), Innovation through contracting in the oil and gas industry, Arthur D. Little, April, pp. 14
Van Weele, A.J. (2017), Purchasing Culture: Can We Change It?, Excellence HA, No. 8, pp. 4-11
An Interview With Dr Arjan van Weele, Journal of Supply Chain Excellence, European Institute for Purchasing Management, April, 2015, Volume 3, pp.24-27
Weele, A.J. van , Improving supply chain agility and
responsiveness through use of real-time
information, The Supply Chain Link, Summer-Autumn. 2012, pp. 6-8
Arjan van Weele, Jordie van Berkel, Gert Walhof (2017), ‘Inkoop in Strategisch Perspectief: Shoppen voor Professionals’, Vakmedianet, Alphen ad Rijn, 343 pp.
Van ordinaire prijsknijperij naar waardecreatie
Prestatiecontracten: niet voor de overheid!
Weele, A.J. van, Verkopers Moeten Stoppen met Verkopen, SalesManagement 2014 coverstory
Weele, A.J. van, Uitbesteden: hoe ver kunnen we gaan?, Scope, Juni, 2012, pp. 6-9
Weele, A.J. van en Funder, M, Leerprogramma inkopers ontwikkelingslanden een groot succes, Deal!, Juni, 2011, pp. 28-30
Kibbeling, M.I. en Weele, A.J. van, Inkopen voor een betere wereld, Deal!, April, 2011, pp. 28-31
Driedonks, B.A. Gevers.J.P.M. en Van Weele, A.J. (2011), Cross functionele teams: interventies vergroten kans op succes, Holland/Belgium Management review, Nummer 140, pp.2-10